Publication Conditions for Articles in the Research Periodical Journal �Vestnik VGIK� (VGIK Bulletin)
Description of the journal
The academic journal "Vestnik VGIK" is meant for scholars, film historians and critics, directors, cinematographers, producers and other specialists in film, TV and other screen arts as well as for teachers, students and postgraduates.
The journal�s founder
The academic journal "Vestnik VGIK" is a periodical founded by the Russian Federation State Institute of Cinematography n. S. Gerasimov. It is
registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications on November, 7, 2008 (Registration certificate PI�FS77-33969, ISSN 2074-0832).
The Layout of the Journal
A 160-page quarterly journal is presented in black and white with the exception of the 4-colored cover.
The subject matters are:
- Film and Art Studies
- Theory and History of Screen Arts
- Philosophy, Sociology, Esthetics
- Film Direction and Acting
- Screen Writing
- The art of Cinematography
- New technologies in the Audio-Visual Sphere
- Animation and Multimedia
- Producing
- Economics in the Audio-Visual Sphere
- Problems of Film Professions
- Television
- Education and Professional Training
1. Acceptance Rules
1.1. Authors present original independent works not published elsewhere earlier, marked with actuality and academic novelty, along with a set of documents (in paper and electronic versions) to be tested for their compliance with the journal�s technical requirements.
1.2. After the format of the article is checked and the set of the required documents is completed the author gets an acknowledgement of receipt stating the date the article was accepted and its code and on these grounds the article is to be sent to the journal�s editorial board.
1.3. The articles are to be sent to accompanied by of a personal request for publication addressed to the editor-in-chief of "Vestnik VGIK" Urazova Svetlana Leonidovna.
2. The articles are supplemented with:
2.1. The author's photo and illustrations (5 - 6 at most, resolution: 300 dpi) with captions. The authors guarantee that the iconographic material doesn't infringe the copyright and other intellectual property rights.
2.2. The so-called "Information about the Author" (a Word file) in Russian stating in one indented paragraph the title of the article, the UDC, the author�s full name, degree and scholarly rank (if any), position and place of employment, as well as an abstract of the article (5-7 lines at most) and 5-6 key words. In the process of compiling the journal the "Information about the Author" is shaped as an independent document being part of "Summary/Presentation of Authors" and sent for translation.
2.3. An extended abstract of the article in Russian and English no longer than 2200 characters with spaces (for every chapter), containing (in one indented paragraph) the title of the article, the UDC, the author�s full name, degree and scholarly rank (if any), the summary of the article (a new paragraph) which reveals its message and academic novelty in a concise and well-argued way, and the main conclusions and key words.
3. The basic requirements to the articles: The article is to be a completed text upon a subject of actual importance and academic novelty, original and thoroughly researched and never published elsewhere before.
4. The articles written by postgraduates and PhDs are accompanied by an extract from the minutes of the chair or another academic body meeting recommending the article for publication (duly certified and sealed) and, for post-graduates, a reference from the post-graduate department.
Authors with Doctoral degrees need no extract from the minutes of the chair or another academic body.
5. The articles submitted to the editorial office are subject to the double blind peer-reviewing (see Rules of Peer-reviewing). The reviews are kept in the editorial office and the publishing office within 5 years.
6. Recommendations for the Authors:
6.1. The recommended volume of the article is 15-20 thousand characters with spaces, 8�12 typed pages. The text�s parts must be headlined.
6.2. The typescript,(after the title and the author�s full name) is provided with the thematic index according to the tables of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). The recommendation is available in VGIK�s library. Then follows a short abstract (5-7 lines) and 5 or 6 key words. The typescript is accompanied by supplements: the Information about the Author in Russian and an extended abstract in Russian and English (2200 characters each) in separate files.
6.3. The text. The article is a completed work of 15�20 thousand characters with spaces in the Word format, with a heading, an abstract, key words and the text set in type in 14 Times New Roman body-size with the 1,5 interline, to be sent. Outside authors should also send their articles on paper by mail to the editorial board with a return receipt. All the parts of the article (tables, diagrams, drawings, footnotes etc.) are placed and shaped according to the National State Standard (GOST) and technical requirements and also sent separately in JPEG. When citing the tables, drawings etc., their sources are to be mentioned by all means.
7. The footnotes in the article are presented per page. The list of bibliographic references entitled REFERENCES is placed in the end, 10 titles at most. They are transliterated into Roman alphabet, see:
The example of transliteration see below.
Gaponenko T.V. Upravlencheskie reshenia [Management Decisions]. � Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2008. � 284 p.
Chernorutskiy I.G. Metody prinyatia resheniy [The Methods of Making Decisions]. �SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2005. � 416 p.
8. Bibliographic references are presented according to the effective federal standards (GOST). Illustrations with captions are sent in separate files. The article is presented in the Microsoft Word (Version 2003 and later).
8.1. Abbreviations and conventional signs. Those not accepted by the International System of Units are to be deciphered in the text or in the footnotes.
8.2. Illustrations. The article is supplemented with photos, drawings, diagrams etc. in 300 dpi sent to the editorial office separately in JPEG with captions in separate files. Conventional signs are explained by captions or in the text. Lines, dots and names must be absolutely clear and distinct. If other authors� illustrations are used one should observe the copyright and the intellectual property status as required by the RF Civil Code (at greater length see and obtain the author�s written permission for publication.
8.3. A separate file contains the Information about the Author: the title of the article, UDC, the author�s full name, academic degree and rank (if any), place of employment, position, home address, contact telephone number and e-mail.
8.4. After the procedure of double blind peer-reviewing (if both reviews are positive) and the approval of the publication by the Editorial Board the author is notified be e-mail. In the case of disapproval the author gets a motivated denial.
8.5. The Editorial Board retains the right � by agreement with the author � to correct the title and to carry out editing and correcting. After the publication the Editorial Board has the right to place the article on its site or other sites with reference to "Vestnik VGIK".
8.6. The authors are recommended to subscribe to the magazine (index 10308 in the catalog "Pressa Rossii" ("Russian Press") of the "Rospechat" agency).
8.7. The Editorial Board decides on publication on the basis of the presented reviews. The author gets no emoluments.
9. Special Conditions of Publication
9.1. The decision on publication is taken by the Editorial Board. The author gets no emoluments.
9.2. The articles written by D. Sc., PhD, postgraduates, students involved in the academic or educational work of VGIK as well as those taking postgraduate and doctoral courses in other RF higher schools are published and reviewed at the Founder�s expense free of charge.